Tuesday, December 31, 2024

The Flavor: or, Here comes 2025!

We at A Book of Cookrye are giving 2024 the sendoff it deserves: with questionable cocktails from Tumblr!

The Flavor
1 can Cranberry Mike's Harder
1 bottle cucumber-lime Gatorade

Pour the two into the same glass. Serve and contemplate how peculiar it tastes.

Tumblr user heedra:
i've mixed cranberry mikes harder and cucumber lime gatorade into a drink i like to call 'the flavor' because, like, you drink this shit and your tongue is like 'there's a taste here. you are experiencing a flavor' but when you go to open the door there's no flavor there. it comes back with an undefined error in the flavor column. it's the missingno of flavors. it so absolutely and definitely tastes like something and that thing is nothing.

Tumblr user anmorata:
im going to make this brb

Tumblr user anmorata:
okay so i found a gas station that had the stuff so i made it

diagnosis: it tastes?


Did you know they make cucumber-lime Gatorade? I sure as heck didn't! I thought cucumber-lime would make a better lotion scent than Gatorade, but then again I never liked Gatorade. 

I could get into the measurements and all that, but that seems quite inappropriate for the recipe at hand. Instead, I just held one bottle in each hand and poured. I was surprised at how dominant the cranberry's color was. Like, the green Gatorade barely changed the color at all. 

I have to admit, I was super hyped for this bizarre flavor experience. I wanted to experience the strange. I wanted to taste the ineffable. But instead I was like "This tastes like church punch." 

If you've ever been to a Sunday children's social where they poured Hawaiian Punch and Sprite into a large bowl, you already have a good idea of what this tasted like. Except this also had undertones of cucumber. And I don't mean it tasted like artificial cucumber flavoring. I would have believed anyone who told me that the water had cranberry slices floating in it. 

I should note that when drunk on its own, the Gatorade merely tasted like Gatorade. You couldn't detect any cucumber until you mixed it with the cranberry. I also want to point out that it was a lot better with the alcohol in it. Maybe you have to be slightly schnockered to think Gatorade is any good.

I didn't finish my drink. But since I chose the wineglass, I filled it with Diet Coke and felt slightly classier for it. Well, we can't run away from the New Year, so may it be full of, um, flavor!


  1. I didn't know that they made cucumber lime Gatorade. If it doesn't have red dye in it, then maybe it was developed for people with a more refined pallet wanting something that sounds up class for their colonoscopy prep? This was obviously developed by someone who wanted to drink alcohol and stay hydrated.

  2. Hopefully you saved some of the cranberry Mike's to enjoy on its own.
